100 Years of Leeds United: 1919-2019

100 Years of Leeds United: 1919-2019

B. inggris rubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam kalimat pasif
1. My brother repaired the motorcycle yesterday.
2. Johan has taken an English course.
3. Mr. Joko is teaching English at Junior High School.
4. They were watching a horror film at cinema
5. Daddy drinks A cup of tea every day.

plis bangt ini mah ga paham ​

rubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam kalimat pasif
1. My brother repaired the motorcycle yesterday.
2. Johan has taken an English course.
3. Mr. Joko is teaching English at Junior High School.
4. They were watching a horror film at cinema
5. Daddy drinks A cup of tea every day.

plis bangt ini mah ga paham ​


1. the motorcycle was repaired by my brother

2. An English course has been taken by Johan

3. English is being taught by mr Joko at junior high school

4. a horror film was being watched by them at cinema

5. a cup of tea is drunk by daddy every day
